Stopping Intimate Partner Violence Before It Starts: Jamie Kimble Foundation For Courage
February 2020
Written by Grace Kennedy on February 19, 2020
If you think high school is too early to start talking about intimate partner violence, think again.
Approximately 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner.
Nearly one in eleven female teens, and one in fifteen male teens, reported experiencing dating violence in the last year, yet three in four parents never discuss the warning signs with their children.
It's time to talk about teen dating violence, and Jamie Kimble Foundation For Courage (JKFFC) is leading the conversation. The Charlotte-based nonprofit seeks to create a future without intimate partner violence, and the best way to create that future is to start young.
"There are obviously a lot of issues with teen dating violence and domestic violence, and there was nothing like Hough Students for Courage at my school," says Paola when asked how the club got started. "The topic really spoke to me and I thought it was a prevalent issue."
Paola and her fellow club members got to network with Courage Club members from other high schools at the Summit and create activities to take back to their school for education and awareness.
The best way to help JKFFC is to learn and share these warning signs:
1. Treating you exceptionally well at the beginning of the relationship
2. Making you feel sorry for him or her
3. Never being at fault
4. Trying to control you through constant communication
5. Separating you from your family and friends physically or emotionally or causing chaos before or during family events
6. Being overly critical
7. Searching your belongings for evidence of cheating
8. Prying into private belongings to learn more of your innermost feelings or past
9. Accessing your email, Facebook and phone records
10. Booking your calendar so it seems impossible to end the relationship
11. Systematically removing you from your existing friends with probably excuses and keeping you too busy to maintain them.
If you need help or know someone who does, visit or call 800.799.7233 (SAFE) to learn how to get out of danger and locate the resources you need.
Remember that no one should ever be hit, shoved, slapped, punched, kicked or in any way physically assaulted in their relationship. Abuse doesn't have to be physical. If you feel intimidated, controlled by or afraid of your partner, you may be experiencing emotional or psychological abuse. Any form of abuse is a valid reason to reach out for help.
Make a donation, find out how to start a Courage Club for teens, and learn more about Jamie Kimble at
Grace Kennedy is a Huntersville-based writer specializing in storytelling for nonprofits. Learn more at